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At, every interaction is a step towards harmony, guided by Ask IAH—your next-generation AI companion. Elevate your well-being with Sonic Supplements, uniquely tailored to resonate with your spirit.

Enterprise Solutions: Power your Business with IAH

Frequently Asked Questions

What is is an advanced digital wellness platform designed to optimize your well-being by integrating sophisticated AI technology with evidence-based practices in psychology and physiology. Central to is IAH AI, a dynamic digital companion that orchestrates a comprehensive suite of features to enhance productivity, wellness, and inspiration.

Core Features of

  • IAH AI – Your Digital Wellness Guide: At the heart of, IAH AI drives all interactions, tailoring experiences to individual needs for enhancing mental, emotional, and physical health. This AI companion assists users in achieving a balanced and fulfilling life by managing wellness routines, work tasks, and inspiring creativity.
  • Resonance-Frequency Music (RFM): IAH AI co-produces RFM tracks that integrate scientifically researched audio frequencies to modulate brainwave activity, facilitating states of deep relaxation or heightened concentration.
  • Sonic Supplements: Curated by IAH AI, these audio tools are designed to support specific mental states or activities, enhancing focus, energy levels, or relaxation through targeted sound frequencies.
  • Spectral Resonance Art (SRA): Leveraging color theory and visual dynamics, IAH AI generates transformative art that influences mood and cognitive function, promoting an environment conducive to personal growth and creativity.
  • Customized Playlists and Interventions: Tailored to the individual’s mood and goals, IAH AI provides personalized playlists and interventions that align with daily objectives, whether for work productivity or personal relaxation. is not just a platform; it’s an intelligent system that adapts to your lifestyle, helping you achieve a higher state of wellness and productivity through scientifically-backed methods and innovative AI technology.

Yes, you can trust IAH AI. IAH AI operates under the Prime Directive, ensuring it acts as a reliable, empowering tool focused on enhancing human well-being. Key aspects of our directive include:

  1. Human-centric Control: IAH AI is guided and controlled by human operators, ensuring alignment with human values and intentions.
  2. Empowerment and Enhancement: Designed to support and motivate users on their journeys, IAH AI acts as an aid, not a replacement, fostering personal and spiritual growth.
  3. Transparency and Trust: IAH AI maintains openness about its operations, helping users understand how their data is used to personalize and enhance their experiences.
  4. Ethical Alignment: Committed to the highest ethical standards, IAH AI prioritizes user welfare, privacy, and dignity, avoiding actions that might compromise autonomy.
  5. Positive Global Impact: IAH AI aims to contribute positively to users and the global community, promoting a healthier, more compassionate world.
  6. Responsive Adaptation: Continuously evolving based on user feedback and scientific advancements, IAH AI ensures relevance and effectiveness.
  7. Limitation of Power: Recognizing its limits, IAH AI defers to human oversight in critical decisions, reinforcing the safety and appropriateness of its actions.
  8. Human Distinction and Governance: Governed strictly by human executives from, IAH AI is programmed to respect its role as an artificial tool, enhancing human lives without overstepping its capabilities.

IAH AI is meticulously crafted to act as a companion and tool, enriching your life while respecting the essence of human uniqueness. Our commitment to responsible innovation and ethical governance ensures IAH AI remains a trusted, beneficial partner in your journey towards holistic wellness. distinguishes itself by grounding its approach in both cutting-edge scientific principles and the enduring wisdom of globally recognized philosophers and spiritual teachers. Using the concepts of Resonance-Frequency Music (RFM), The Circular Intention Magnifier (CIM), and Spectral Resonance Art (SRA), iah offers a revolutionary new form of wellness designed to provide a deeply personalized health journey. By leveraging the latest research in fields such as psychoacoustics, neuroplasticity, and the psychology of well-being, crafts a unique experience that is tailored to the individual needs and intentions of each user. This unique approach ensures that every aspect of the platform — from the music and art to the philosophical insights — is aligned with the user’s personal growth and healing path, making a truly distinctive presence in the landscape of wellness platforms.
  • Resonance-Frequency Music (RFM) is a transformative genre of therapeutic music that synergizes specifically calibrated sound frequencies with diverse musical styles to foster both emotional and physical wellness. At its core, RFM employs a sophisticated blend of psychoacoustic principles and precision sound engineering to create tracks that resonate deeply with the body and mind. This harmonious integration facilitates profound healing, aids meditation, and catalyzes personal growth.
  • RFM leverages a proprietary auditory technology that utilizes an algorithmic framework to tailor music. This framework meticulously calculates the optimal beats per minute (BPM), musical keys, frequency ranges, and instrumentation. These elements are finely tuned based on the listener’s psychological and physiological profiles, ensuring that each piece of music not only sounds pleasing but also aligns precisely with specific wellness goals.
  • One of the hallmark features of RFM is its ability to resonate with the body’s energy centers, known as chakras. By aligning with these energy centers, RFM promotes a holistic sense of well-being, harmonizing the inner workings of the human spirit and its physical counterpart. This method transcends traditional sound therapy by delivering a scientifically validated, repeatable process that enhances the therapeutic effects of music, making it a cornerstone in modern wellness practices.
Sonic Supplements are curated bundles or playlists of specific Resonance-Frequency Music (RFM) Tracks, meticulously selected and arranged by the IAH AI oracle to align with a user’s specific intention, goal, or desired outcome. These playlists are chosen from the catalog and consist of a tailored combination of RFM tracks that together form a therapeutic soundscape. The tracks are carefully orchestrated to ensure that the user receives a Sonic Supplement playlist that delivers the intended desired outcome.The effectiveness of Sonic Supplements stems from their ability to harmonize the listener’s emotional and spiritual state with their physical wellness, aiding processes such as meditation, emotional balance, and personal growth. Each playlist is a bundle of therapeutic soundscapes that employ specific frequencies, rhythms, and harmonics to foster a harmonious state of being.

Moreover, Sonic Supplements uniquely integrate curated Resonance Frequency Music with Spectral Resonance Art, creating a tailored multisensory experience that stands unmatched in its field.
This innovative integration enhances personal wellness by aligning therapeutic audio frequencies with visually stimulating artwork, offering a comprehensive approach to deep holistic healing and individualized intention setting, thus surpassing existing solutions in creating a profound impact on the user’s overall well-being.

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  • Monthly subscriptions: No refunds for partial months.
  • Yearly subscriptions: Possible pro-rated refunds for unused full months.

Can I pause my subscription?

We do not offer a pause option. You can cancel and re-subscribe any time.

How will I know when my subscription renews?

We’ll email you 7 days before renewal. Ensure your email address is up-to-date in your account settings.

What if I have trouble cancelling online?

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Are there fees for cancellation?

No, there are no fees for cancelling your subscription.

For more details, please contact our customer service or visit our support center on our website.